i'm going to assume that 90% of people can completely relate to this. i absolutely fucking HATE when people talk shit and spread rumors. did you fucking SEE me do what you're saying i did with your own eyes? nope. so do me a favour and shut your mouth, bitch. someone hates you so they make something up and tell people, and those people are IDIOTS and instead of asking about it they tell more people who do the same thing. do you people really have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING better to do with your life? it eventually gets to the point where 50 people are just shooting you looks and whispering, even your backstabbing worthless friends. and i'm honestly not complaining. you wanna talk shit about me? have motherfucking fun, because while your life is centered around me and what i'm doing, i'm off living my ACTUAL life and not the one you're creating in your mind this very second. and why me? are there THAT many things about me that you are so god damn jealous of that you have to spend your time talking about ME? why talk about people? honestly why? i would really like a legitimate reason as to why the fuck all people do is talk about other people. if you don't like someone keep it to your fucking self, because that's no reason to spread shit about people. if someone hates you, do you want them to spread rumours about you? probably not. you can act like a swaggot hater lover fag dick lover whatever the fuck you wanna be called and say that you don't care because haters keep you motivated. SHUT THE FUCK UP. it's people like you that give the human race a bad name. you're basically saying that if some chick told your boyfriend that you deep throated some other guys cock, even though what she's saying is a complete lie, you wouldn't care because she's your "hater" and therefore you "love her" because you "love haters". alright, as long as you make sense. i'll be honest, i fucking HATE when people spread shit about me. they wanna call me a slut? cool, i'm far from a slut. call me a whore? cool, i'm not even close. all people do is mother fucking gossip and it drives me up the wall and through the roof. if you're one of the people who just talks about other people, then it's time to take a close look at the direction in which your life is going. i don't understand the reasoning behind talking shit about people, but you know, that's just me.

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